.[ Description ]-

Les arthropodes (Arthropoda) forment un embranchement d'animaux invertébrés. Le corps des arthropodes est formé de segments articulés, recouverts d'une cuticule rigide, qui constitue leur squelette externe, dans la plupart des cas constitué de chitine.

L'embranchement des arthropodes est de très loin celui qui possède le plus d'espèces et le plus d'individus de tout le règne animal. On compte plus d'un million et demi d'espèces actuelles d'arthropodes.

This artificial group of animals encompasses widely different phyla and comprises the bulk - in terms of both number of species and animal biomass - of almost every ecosystem on Earth. Insects, arachnids, crustaceans, onicophorans, mollusks, earthworms, rotipherans, nematodes, centipedes, millipedes, and others inhabit the tropics of the World by the millions of species. The largest group alone, Insecta, might include more species than all others, plant and animal, combined.

    The soils of the tropics are rife with small invertebrates of all sorts. While most of them are tiny, even microscopic, their lives are carried out in a world that is very complex in its own scale. Hordes of pillbugs, collembolla, earthworms, slugs, insect larvae, and others are the herbivores and carrion-eaters of this scaled-down universe. Its predators and parasites come in the shape of flatworms, nematodes, leeches, pseudoscorpions, mites, ants, tiny wasps and flies and their larvae, and many others.

This is by far the largest taxonomic aggregation of animals, perhaps comprising more than three fourths of all extant organisms. Their bodies posses a chitinous or calcareous exoskeleton that must be shed by a process of ecdysis as the animal grows. Every single terrestrial and aquatic habitat on Earth has been colonized by arthropods of one or another kind.




Divers embranchements et classes d'arthropodes

  • sous-embranchement Myriapoda -- (miriapodes) = nombreuses pattes
    classe Chilopoda -- (mille-pattes, scolopendre)
    classe Diplopoda -- (mille-pattes, iule)
    classe Pauropoda -- (mille-pattes nains)
    classe Symphyla
  • sous-embranchement Crustacea -- (crustacés) = 10 pattes
    classe Branchiopoda - branchiopodes (Daphni,e, ...)
    classe Cephalocarida
    classe Malacostraca -- (Homard, crabe, squille, crevette, cloporte...)
    classe Maxillopoda - (Copépode, Balane, Pousse-pied, ...)
    classe Ostracoda -- (ostracodes)
    classe Remipedia
  • sous-embranchement Chelicerata --(chélicérates) = 8 pattes
    classe Arachnida -- Arachnides (scorpion, araignée, Araignées, Mygales, Scorpions, Amblypyges, Acariens, Opilions,
        Uropyges , Tiques (ixodes),
    classe Merostomata -- ( limule)
    classe Pycnogonida -- (araignées de mer)
  • sous-embranchement Hexapoda -- (hexapodes) = 6 pattes
    classe Entognatha -- (collembole, diploure, protoure)
    classe Insecta -- insectes (fourmi, guêpes, mouche, ...)




In past several invertebrates were collected in St. Maarten.
Especially Wagenaar Hummelinck had a large collection. His specimens were studied by himself as well as others. From these studies the names of a number of invertebrates are known. However, very little can be said about the status of these animals.
From the literature and from personal communications the following are known from St. Maarten:
one species of scorpion (De Armas, 1983),
4 species of mites (Kohls, 1996),
116 species of insects (Jonge Poerink, 1953; v.d.Kuyp, 1953 and 1954; Wagenaar Hummelinck, 1955; Cobben, 1960; Drake and Cobben, 1960; Marcuzzi, 1962; Forrest Gilmour, 1963; Nieser, 1967 and 1969; De Kort-Gommers and Nieser, 1969; v. Doesburg, 1970, Cobben and Wygodzinsky, 1975; Marcuzzi, 1977; Wagenaar Hummelinck, 1983; Simonthomas, 1984),
including 27 species of diurnal butterflies (Smith et al., 1984; Miller and Miller, pers.comm., 1997),

In August 1996, insects in general were numerous. It is known that after hurricanes insect plagues often occur. Thus, after hurricane Frederic in 1979 there were mosquitoe, fly and sandfly plagues (Vliegen, 1980). In August 1996 several informants (Boekhout; Wilson, Klein) reported an aphid plague and swarms of white butterflies after hurricane Luis .


Photos ?

Nbr Pattes
mille-pattes, scolopendre, iules (Congoleo), géophiles
Cloportes, Crabes, crevettes, pagures,
Araignées, Scorpions, Amblypyges, Acariens, Opilions, Uropyges tiques, poux

Hyménoptères = abeille, guëpe, ichneumon, cynips, fourmis (Liens),
Coléoptères: doryphores, charançons, gendarme, hannetons; doryphores, charançons, gendarme,
Siphonaptères = Puces (Ctenocephalides)
Héteroptères = punaise, guerris, hydromètre(araignée d'eau)
Isoptères =Termites
Ordonates = Libellules
Orthoptères = Criquets, sauterelles, grillons, cigales
papillons Lepidoptères
Phasmoptères = Phasmes 
Diptères = mouches , moustiques, taon, drosophile

-   Dictyoptères = blatte, cafard
cochenilles, pucerons, fourmi-lion, libellules



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